How to Start a Django Project

Alice Ridgway
Published in
6 min readSep 30, 2021


In this tutorial, we will start a Django project from scratch.

This project will run through:

  1. Creating a virtual environment
  2. Installing packages using pip
  3. Creating a Django project
  4. Initialising a Django app
  5. Running the development server
  6. Running migrations
  7. Creating a superuser
  8. Securing your environment variables like your secret key
  9. Pushing to git

By the end, you will be ready to start defining models, urls and views in your app.

A repository is available here if you get stuck:

Credit to Django Girls

Setting up a Django project, particularly for the first time has a lot of steps. The Django Girls tutorial got me through it for the first time and has been a great reference for all the projects since.

If you get stuck following this walkthrough or want to read about the process in more detail, I highly recommend their tutorial.

1. Installation

Create a project directory

We are going to start a To Do list app.

$ mkdir todo$ cd todo

Create and activate a virtual environment

$ python3 -m venv todo-venv

This will create a virtual environment called ‘todo-venv’. Your virtual environment will contain files for all third-party dependencies and help you make sure you are using the correct version for each package.

Now, activate your virtual environment.

$ source todo-venv/bin/activate

Install pip

You will need pip to install python packages. Make sure you have the latest version:

$ python -m pip install — upgrade pip

Install django-admin

Now you have pip installed, you can install django-admin

$ pip install django-admin

Install pip-tools

We will need pip-tools so we can compile our requirements.

$ pip install pip-tools

2. Install Django

We will create a file to track our project requirements and use it to install Django.


Create a file to store your requirements.

$ touch

Open your project directory in VScode:

$ code .

Now, in , just type ‘django’



In your terminal, run the following line. This will compile requirements.txt from .

$ pip-compile --output-file=requirements.txt

The compile process will add all the additional packages required to run the packages in . This makes our requirements easier to manage.

Install Requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Start a Django project

$ django-admin startproject config

This will create a directory called config , which contains another folder, also called config .

Reorganise your folders

This step is optional but I prefer to get rid of that outer folder like this:

5. Create an app

You might be wondering why we named the project ‘config’ and not ‘todo’.

In Django, we structure our projects using apps. For example, in an e-commerce project you might have an apps called ‘products’, ‘ordering’ and ‘stock’ to keep code for different parts of the project separate.

I prefer to have the folder that contains ‘config’ so I can quickly tell it apart from my app folders.

This project will just need one app. We’ll call it ‘todo’.

Make sure you are in the same directory as and run the following line.

$ django-admin startapp todo

Register the app

This is an important step. Skip this step and Django won’t recognise any of the code in your app.

Go into your config folder and open .

Scroll down until you find a list called INSTALLED_APPS and add the name of your new app to the list.



6. Start the server

Check your project is set up correctly by starting the server.

$ python runserver

You might get an error like this:

File “”, line 17
) from exc
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

If you get that error, reactivate your virtual environment and try again.

$ source todo-venv/bin/activate

When your server is running, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000/ . You should see a screen like the image below.

If you’re seeing this screen, you have successfully started your development server- congrats!

7. Run Migrations

Migrations describe changes to your database. Django is a batteries-included kind of framework (it has lots of features built in to help your workflow), so it needs to create a few tables to enable these features.

To run the migrations, stop your development server using CTRL C and run the following command:

$ python migrate

8. Create a Superuser

You will need to create a superuser so you can access the admin panel.

$ python createsuperuser

Django will prompt you for a username, email and password.

When you’ve done that, restart your dev server.

$ python runserver

Now, go back to your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin

You should be able to log in using the credentials you just set up.

If successful, you will see a screen like this:

9. Make your Secret Key secret

Install django-environ

Open and add django-environ to a new line. Your file should look like this:


Compile using the following command:

$ pip-compile — output-file=requirements.txt

And then install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

It is good practice to install packages this way as it helps you keep track of your installed packages. Unlike package.json in the JavaScript ecosystem, pip doesn’t automatically update requirements.txt when new packages are installed.

Create a .env file

In the same directory as , create a file called .env

In .env , add a line for the secret key using the snippet below as an example.

Make sure there are no spaces around the equals sign!


Import your secret key into

Go to config/

Add the following code snippet:

import environ
env = environ.Env()

Staying in config/ , scroll down to the line where SECRET KEY is defined.

Replace the line with this one:


10. Git ready

Now we have secured our secret key, we are one step closer to being able to push our project to Github.

Initialise a repository

Go to Github (or the git client of your choosing) and create a new repository.

Then, in the terminal:

$ git init
$ git remote add origin<username>/django-tutorial-part-one.git

Create a .gitignore

There are some files that shouldn’t be pushed to Github.

These include .env which must be kept private and your virtual environment, todo-venv which will waste space.

At the root of your project, create a file called .gitignore and copy/paste in the following:


This has reduced the number of tracked files from 5000 to 16. VScode may need a couple of minutes to update the source control tab.

Commit your files

Stage your files:

git add .

and then commit them

git commit -m "initial commit"

and finally,

git push origin master


